Scholarships Awarded in 2024

Scholarships are endowed in honor or memory of individuals with strong ties to Irving ISD or via sponsorships from corporate or community/civic organizations. Criteria for consideration usually center around need, academic or extra-curricular achievement, community service, or aspirations to pursue study in a particular career field.

Scholarship Description
2024 Irving Schools Foundation Scholarship $1,250 (10) Created in 2024 by an anonymous donor, this scholarship is open to students from any Irving ISD high school and is awarded based on quality of submitted applications and essays.
Albert L. Crayton Memorial Scholarship $1,000 This scholarship is in memory of Albert L. Crayton, a Vietnam War veteran who suffered from PTSD after his service in the United States Air Force. Albert felt many of those afflicted with trauma from their service were unable to access necessary support needed to handle the transition from military life back into the community. He also felt that it was even more difficult to receive help if these supports were needed later in life, rather than right after discharge. This scholarship will go to an individual who desires to work with those who have served our country, along with many others who suffer from mental health issues.
AMS Bronco Pride Scholarship $1,000 Created for students who attended Austin Middle School for at least two years. The recipients must write an essay discussing the most important lesson they learned from their time at AMS. Additionally, the recipients must have 95% or greater attendance during their senior year and hold a minimum cumulative average of 80% or above.
Angel Flores Scholarship $1,000 This scholarship was established by Ingrid Rothe in memory of Angel Flores. Angel was just beginning high school when he was struck by a car. He loved life, his family, and school. He wanted to make his parents proud and set a good example for his sisters. The recipient of this scholarship must have participated in the ESL Program at Austin or Bowie Middle Schools, and written two essays: one describing how the program has helped them succeed and one about a hardship they have overcome.
Angela Smyers Digital Learning Scholarship $1,000 Graduate of any IISD high school, must have minimum 2.75 overall GPA, and be pursuing a degree in a STEM-related field or technology. Angela Smyers is the epitome of a Teacher�s Teacher and a Coach�s Coach! After serving 37 years in Irving ISD, this scholarship will serve as a lasting tribute to her dedication and inspire future generations to follow in her footsteps. Angela goes above and beyond for teachers to ensure that students are prepared for success in each academic challenge they may encounter, and she recognizes technology is only as useful as the intention behind it. Building capacity in teachers is a personal objective of hers, and that capacity is exemplified when teachers come to her to continue to glean from her wealth of knowledge. This scholarship is dedicated to her determination to make the world a better place through using technology in innovative and meaningful ways.
Anne H. Pfaff Founder's Scholarship $2,000 This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior from any Irving ISD high school. Recipient must have a minimum cumulative 3.5 GPA and be pursuing a career in Education.
AVID Scholarship $1,000 This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who has been in the AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) system for at least three years. The student must have a record of leadership in AVID or in another school organization, and plan to attend a four-year college or university.
B.I.G. D.O.G.S. Youth Organization Scholarship in Memory of Dalton Debrick $1,000 This scholarship was established in memory of Dalton Debrick by his family and the B.I.G. D.O.G.S. Youth Organization in 2015. Dalton was a 2014 graduate of Nimitz High School and was active in youth sports in the Irving community, including the B.I.G. D.O.G.S. Youth Organization, for over 13 years. This scholarship is awarded to a graduating Nimitz senior with at least four consecutive years in the city of Irving and/or YMCA Sports. The student must demonstrate academic success by holding a minimum GPA of 3.0 and have given back to the Irving community.
Barbara Cardwell Future of Education Scholarship $1,500 Over forty-five plus years, Barbara Cardwell served Irving ISD faculty, staff, and students in a myriad of ways culminating in her 21 years of service as an IISD Board of Trustee, with the highest quality of education services for the students of Irving as her driving force. Mrs. Cardwell knew securing top-notch educators was necessary to achieve excellence. In continued support of the students of Irving ISD and to encourage students to consider teaching as a profession, the Barbara Cardwell Future of Education Scholarship was established to assist a senior pursuing a college degree and certification to teach.
Barton Alumni Scholarship $1,000 The Barton Alumni Scholarship was established by the faculty and staff of Barton Elementary School and is awarded to a graduating senior who attended Barton for more than three years.
Baylor Scott & White Medical Center- Irving Scholarship $1,500 (4) This scholarship is awarded to four graduating students who demonstrate good character, as evidenced in at least two letters of recommendation, and have participated in community activities or community service during high school. Additionally, the students must have participated in extra-curricular activities or organizations for at least two years. The students must plan to pursue higher education at a four-year college or university and major in a healthcare-related field, as well as ranking in the top 10% of their high school class.
BCCPC Scholarship $1,000 Awarded to a graduating Barbara Cardwell Career Preparatory Center (BCCPC) senior who has attended BCCPC for at least two years, has a minimum GPA of 2.7, and an attendance record of at least 90%. This scholarship may be used for any degree/certification at any type of school (trade, technical, community college, four-year university).
Be T.R.U.E., Be YOU: Hanes Elementary Future Leaders $1,000 This scholarship was created to benefit students who attended Hanes Elementary for at least one year and have a financial need.
Beatrice Ponce Garcia Scholarship $1,500 This scholarship is awarded to a graduating Irving High School Hispanic senior with a minimum GPA of 3.0 who plans to pursue a college or university degree in Education.
Bioworld Foundation Scholarship $2,500 (6) This scholarship is awarded to four graduating seniors who plan to attend the University of Texas at Arlington and pursue a degree in Engineering.
Bobby Lindamood Scholarship for Girls $1,000 Established by Ed Farrow, this scholarship is awarded to a graduating female senior from Nimitz High School who has a minimum GPA of 3.0 and will be attending Dallas Baptist University.
Bowie AVID Legacy Scholarship $1,500 Must have attended Bowie Middle School, participated in AVID in grades 7-12, has a minimum 3.0 overall GPA, and answers essay questions: What does AVID mean to you? How has AVID shaped you to be the scholar you are today?"
Britain Mustangs Scholarship $1,000 Awarded to a graduating senior who singularly attended Britain Elementary School, demonstrates community service, has letters of recommendation, and has a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Bryan Esstman Memorial Scholarship $7,000 (2) This scholarship was established by family and friends in memory of Bryan Esstman, a beloved and respected long-time teacher at Lively Elementary School. The recipients of this scholarship must have attended Lively in 3rd-5th grade, hold a minimum GPA of 3.0, and have demonstrated service to others through volunteer work or philanthropy.
Cancer Fighters Scholarship in Memory of Jessica Robison Preston $1,000 Having too many family members and friends fight UGLY cancer, Renee Copeland and friends established this scholarship to honor Jessica Roanna Robison Preston, a loving wife and mother of two young children. Jessica passed away on Wednesday, March 24, 2021, just two days shy of her 34th birthday. The Cancer Fighters Scholarship is awarded to a senior who has or has had an immediate family member battling cancer and who authors an essay detailing the effects the disease has had on their lives.
Carol Wood Culinary Arts and Small Business Scholarship $1,000 Awarded to a graduating senior who plans to obtain a degree in Culinary Arts or Small Business, participates in school and community activities, and has an economic need.
Chandra Maxey Scholarship $1,000 This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior from Barbara Cardwell Career Preparatory Center. Preference is given to a student with an interest in pursuing a degree in Science, Technology, and/or Engineering in college or a trade school. The student must hold a minimum GPA of 2.5.
Clinton H. Howard Memorial Scholarship This scholarship created by the family of Clinton H. Howard in his memory, is awarded to an Irving High School graduate who has maintained an A/B average throughout high school, has taken Honors or AP courses in math or science, and has at least 100 hours of community service, has displayed successful entrepreneurial spirit.
City of Irving and TXU Environmental Scholarship $5,000 (5) The scholarship, created by the City of Irving, is for students who have an interest in environmental studies and careers.
Coach Pam Owens Memorial Scholarship $1,000 This scholarship is awarded to a female student from Nimitz High School who is a basketball player, trainer, or manager during her senior year and plans to pursue certification or a degree in Higher Education.
Credit Union of Texas - Jerry Christian Spirit of Achievement Scholarship $1,000 The Credit Union of Texas - Jerry Christian Spirit of Achievement Scholarship was established to recognize retired IISD Assistant Superintendent Jerry Christian for his long-term service and dedication to Irving ISD, the Irving ISD Board of Trustees, and the Credit Union of Texas Board of Directors. This scholarship is awarded to a graduating Irving ISD senior with a minimum GPA of 2.5 and over 200 hours of community service.
Crockett Middle School Scholarship $1,600 Established by the faculty and staff at Crockett Middle School, this scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who attended Crockett Middle School.
Crystal Graham Scholarship $1,000 Awarded to a graduating senior who attended Lamar Middle School for at least one year, has completed a minimum of 150 hours of community service, and maintained an attendance record of 90% or better.
Cubbies Against Cancer Scholarship $1,000 This scholarship is awarded to a senior who has been directly involved with someone who has been diagnosed with cancer and has a financial need.
David H. Brune Memorial Scholarship $1,500 This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who ranks in the top 25% of their graduating class, participates in advanced academic courses, and plans to pursue a bachelors degree in Liberal Arts/Pre-Law at an accredited four-year college or university in Texas.
Deborah George Scholarship for GT Mathematics $1,000 The Deborah George Scholarship for GT Mathematics was established in honor of Debbie George when she retired from Irving ISD and is awarded to a graduating senior who participated in Gifted and Talented classes and is pursuing a STEM degree.
Dixon Proctor Dean Alumni Scholarship $1000 The family legacy with Irving ISD began with Linda Dean and Vernon Proctor graduating from Irving High School in 1961. They married in 1963. Linda Proctor returned to Irving ISD as an elementary teacher. They chose to raise their family in Irving. Mary Kay Proctor graduated from Irving High School in 1982 and Tim Proctor graduated from Irving High School in 1986. During this time, Linda?s mom, Kathryn Dean, was a homemaking teacher at MacArthur High School. Mary Kay married an Irving ISD 1980 grad, David Dixon.? Mary Kay Dixon became an IISD elementary teacher in 1985. She worked in a variety of positions and campuses across the district and is currently the Principal at Stipes Elementary School. David and Mary Kay also chose to remain in Irving and raise their family. Jeremy Dixon graduated from Irving High in 2006 and Jared Dixon graduated from Irving High in 2011. Jeremy married Kari Jackson who taught at Irving High for two years. Jared married Lauren Coronado who graduated from Irving High in 2013.? Lauren is currently teaching PreK at Pierce Early Childhood Center. This family truly invests in the education provided by Irving ISD as well as investing their lives in helping to educate others. We want to recognize the legacy to our district as well as honor a senior who has a parent who graduated from Irving ISD or who works for Irving ISD.
Dr. Richard D. Bates Scholarship $1,000 Created in 1994, the Dr. Richard D. Bates Scholarship is awarded to a senior from any Irving ISD high school who is planning to major in Education or Pre-Med.
Dr. D. Sung Won Scholarship $1,000 This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior with academic achievement and financial need. The candidate must author an essay on how he or she plans to give back to the community.
Dr. John F. Townley Scholarship $1,000 Established in memory of former IISD Superintendent Dr. John F. Townley, this scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who plans to major in Education at a college or university.
Drs. Bill and Joan LaBarr Pay It Forward Scholarship $1,000 This scholarship was created in honor of the years of service that Dr. Bill LaBarr gave to the Irving community through Plymouth Park United Methodist Church. The recipient of this scholarship must have a minimum GPA of 3.0? and at least 200 community service hours.
D-Up for Deebs Scholarship in Memory of Dalton Debrick $2,000 Established in 2015 in memory of Dalton Deebs Debrick, a 2014 Nimitz graduate who passed away his first week of college at Texas Tech, this scholarship is awarded to a male senior at Nimitz who intends to pursue a degree in Education to teach and coach. The student must have been involved in team sports at the high school varsity level, exemplify school spirit, have academic success with a minimum GPA of 3.0, and have given back to the Irving community.
Eagle Sound Scholarship $1,500 This scholarship is awarded to a student who attended Johnson Middle School, participated in Fine Arts all four years of high school, and responds to an essay question discussing Fine Arts and future goals.
Eddie Vernon Career Scholarship $1,400 (2) The recipients of this scholarship must be graduates of Barbara Cardwell Career Preparatory Center or Irving High School and have been through hardships/trials and shown perseverance.
Erica Malzer Memorial Scholarship for Aggies $1,000 Established in 2022 in memory of IISD alumna and Clifton Pre-K Assistant Principal Erica Malzer, this tuition-only scholarship is awarded to a senior attending Erica's beloved alma mater, Texas A&M University.
Erika and German Clouet Memorial Scholarship $1,250 This scholarship is awarded to a Hispanic senior with a minimum GPA of 3.0 who is seeking a major in Education and/or Music.
Espanita Homeowners Association Scholarship $1,000 This scholarship is awarded to a student who lives or has lived in the Espanita Addition and plans to attend community college, a four-year college, or an accredited technical school. Additionally, the student must hold a minimum GPA of 2.5.
Evelyn Clifton Scholarship $1,000 Established by Evelyn Clifton and endowed by her children and friends to honor her memory, this scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who attended Clifton Early Childhood School and plans to major in Education at a college or university, preferably with emphasis on Early Childhood Development.
Farine Elementary Scholarship $1,000 This scholarship is awarded to a graduating Irving ISD senior who is planning to pursue a post-secondary education and who attended Farine Elementary School for at least three years.
Fatema & Mustafa Biviji Scholarship $1,000 Awarded to a graduating senior from any Irving ISD high school who may be worthy but underserved. Recipient will be required to provide documentation of volunteer hours and community service, with preference given to those volunteering with Adopt a Spot activities.
Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas Scholarship $1,500 (15) This scholarship is awarded to 15 graduating female students pursuing a STEM career path. The students must have maintained a minimum GPA of 3.0, had a 95% attendance rate, and demonstrate extensive community service hours.
Fernando Garcia Memorial Scholarship $1,000 The FernandoGarcia Memorial Scholarship was the first scholarship set up at Bowie Middle School. Fernando was killed in a drive-by shooting at his apartment complex. Fernando had made such strides from 6th grade to 8th grade; it was Bowie?s way of honoring his hard work. This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior and former Bowie Middle School student who has overcome obstacles to achieve academic success.
Fly Like an Eagle Scholarship $1,000 This scholarship is awarded to two recipients who attend Lady Bird Johnson Middle School for at least two years.
Forever a Bulldog Scholarship $1,500 The Forever a Bulldog Scholarship was established by the faculty and staff at J. Haley Elementary School and is awarded to a graduating senior who attended J. Haley for more than two years and has a minimum GPA of 2.0.
Gail Bernard: Once a Horned Frog Always a Horned Frog Scholarship $1,000 This scholarship is awarded to a student who attended Thomas Haley for at least three years, has a minimum GPA of 3.0, and has demonstrated economic, social, or academic hardship. Preference is given to those with at least 200 service hours.
Ginger's Gift Scholarship $1000 This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who wants to work with special needs adults or children. Preference will be given to students who attended Bowie Middle School for at least two years.
Gladys Valchar Opportunity Scholarship $1,000 This scholarship was established in 2013 by Gladys Valchar to celebrate her 44 years of association with Irving High School students as a Teacher and Counselor. Having personally and professionally seen how the opportunity for a college education can change a person?s future, Ms. Valchar intends for this scholarship to be awarded to an Irving High School graduate who will be the first in his/her family to attend college. The applicant must rank in the top 20% of the class, have financial need, be involved in at least one extracurricular activity during his/her senior year, have at least 25 hours of documented volunteer service (other than the SAVE teacher assistant program), and plan to attend either a Dallas Community College or the University of North Texas.
Greater Irving Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce Community Scholarship $1,000 (2) The Greater Irving Las Colinas Chamber of Commerce Community Scholarship is awarded to two graduating seniors who have maintained a GPA of 2.0 or greater and have been involved in the community.
Haim Vasquez Newcomer Scholarship $1000 (2) This scholarship is awarded to a student who was a Newcomer, with preference given to those who arrived in the country for two years or less when enrolled in high school. The recipient must be enrolling in a post-secondary institution and hold a minimum 2.5 GPA.
Hanes Elementary Future Achievers Scholarship $1000 know that teaching lasts far beyond the walls of our classrooms, and want to ensure our students continue to feel our love and support throughout their educational careers. Go Cowboys!
Hank Kimbriel Memorial Scholarship $1,500 Established in 2015 in loving memory of Harry Hank A. Kimbriel, III, devoted husband, friend and community leader, this scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who demonstrates sports leadership skills, as well as leadership in school, church, and the community. In a world where things are often ?all about me,? candidates must be team players and give examples of what they have learned about being part of a team, how they have contributed, and how they have made a difference. Students must enroll full-time in a college or university with the goal of a four-year degree and plan to continue participation in activities developing their leadership and team skills. The candidate must have held a minimum GPA of 3.0 for at least two years in high school.
Huckabee Future Architects Scholarship $1,500 Scholarship created in 2024 for future architects.
IIWC Sophia Stimpson Memorial Scholarship $1,500 Awarded to a graduating female student who was born in a country other than the United States and is pursuing a degree in a STEM-related field at any institution of higher learning. This student has maintained a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Irving All Sports Association $1,000 Awarded to a student who participated in programs within the Irving All Sports Association.
Irving Amateur Radio Club Scholarship $1,000 The Irving Amateur Radio Club is partnered with Betcha Bingo to distribute charitable funding to our community. The club encourages young people to enter science and electronics-related technical fields, which are involved with radio frequency communication.
Irving Art Association Scholarship $1,000 Awarded to a graduating senior from any high school in Irving who intends to pursue the study of art in an accredited school of higher learning in which they will either major or minor in an art related field.
Irving Convention and Visitors Bureau Hospitality Industry Scholarship $1,500 This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who plans to pursue a course of study in the hospitality industry at an institution of higher learning and enter the hospitality field as a career. The hospitality industry includes programs of study such as: Food and Beverage/Restaurant Management, Hotel-Motel, Convention and Visitors Bureau, Tourism and Hospitality.
Irving Elks Lodge Scholarship For this scholarship, counselors from Irving, MacArthur, Nimitz, and Singley recommend one boy and one girl to attend monthly Elks Lodge meetings in September, October, November, and December. Each of these students are eligible for the two scholarships awarded each year.
Irving Friendship Foundation Scholarship $3,500 This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior from any IISD high school in Irving, Texas. This student must be involved in his/her community through active volunteer service. Students that demonstrate economic need will receive special consideration.
Irving High School AVID Scholarship $1,000 Regardless of their life circumstances, AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) students overcome obstacles and achieve success. They graduate and attend college at higher rates, but more importantly, they can think critically, collaborate, and set high expectations to confidently conquer future challenges that await them. This scholarship was created to help our Irving High School AVID students lessen the financial burden of higher education.
Irving High School Be a Tiger in the Business World Scholarship $1,400 The Irving High Business/ Marketing Scholarship is awarded to a deserving Irving High School senior who is in a CTE-business class or is a DECA member.
Irving High School English Scholarship $1,000 "Reading is the gateway skill that makes all other learning possible" -Barack Obama. The Irving High School English Department scholarship was established on behalf of the Irving High School English Department in hopes that our students will share their love of learning in their post-secondary pursuits.
Irving High School Second Chance Scholarship in Honor of Eddie Dickey $1,000 Eddie Dickey is the brother of Irving High School teacher Dawn Dickey. He was funny and kind and willing to help anyone. His hope was to become a firefighter or paramedic so he could help others as a career. Eddie was killed by a gang member who had to go and kill a random person to become part of a gang. After he was shot, firefighters were coming back from a call and saw him collapse. While they worked to save him, the damage from the bullet was too much. Eddie died on the sidewalk at the age of 19. This scholarship is made in his honor so he can live on and so his life will continue to help other people (as he had wished to personally do).
Irving High School Second Chance Scholarship in Honor of Hector Nambo $1,000 Hector was a student at Irving High School scheduled to graduate May 2023. While he struggled in school, he was always happy and smiling. Sometimes he gave into peer pressure and made poor choices, but he made a choice to turn his life around. He was taking steps to graduate and attend college in the fall of 2023. Before he could graduate, his life was cut short when he was shot and killed by a gang member. This scholarship is created to help an Irving High School student with their ?second chance.? It is a way for Hector to live on in the community and in the hearts of those who loved him.
Irving High School Second Chance Scholarship in Honor of the Dickey Family $1,000 Have you lost a loved one before you were ready? Loss reminds us of the impact they had on us, our family and the community. Our loved ones impacted the world while they were alive and their love is how they stay alive in our hearts and memories. Help keep the memory of your loved one alive by sowing into the future of a college-bound student. Your loved one?s memory will become a treasure and stepping stone allowing them to continue to impact future generations.?
Irving High School Social Studies Scholarship $1,000 This scholarship is awarded to an Irving High School student with a passion for, or planning to study the Social Sciences, Liberal Arts, or the Humanities Subjects such as Political Science, History, Economics, Geography, Philosophy, Criminal Justice, Public Adminstration, Social Work Psychology or Sociology. Preference is given to those who participated in Academic Decathlon, UIL Academics, Speech, or Debate for at least one year and/or have completed required volunteer hours or community service for graduation.
Irving High School Women of the Class of 1966 Scholarship $1,000 This scholarship is awarded to a graduate of Irving High School and is based on merit and financial need. Recipient may be attending trade school, vocational or technical programs, or two- or four-year schools. Preference may be given to participants of Toy Tigers, Yearbook, or Journalism programs.
Irving Hispanic Chamber Education Foundation Scholarship $1,000 (2) The Irving Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Education Foundation Scholarship is awarded to two graduating Hispanic or Latino seniors who have participated in community service and plan to pursue a degree in Business/Entrepreneurship or Education.
Irving Las Colinas Rotary Doug Fox (MacArthur) Scholarship $1,250 This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior from MacArthur High School who exhibits academic, community and leadership success. Special consideration will be given to students who are graduates of RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) or the Interact Club.
Irving Las Colinas Rotary Dr. Elaine Free Roberson Scholarship Benefitting BCCPC $1,250 This scholarship is awarded to a graduate of Barbara Cardwell Career Preparatory Center who exhibits academic, community and leadership success. Special consideration is given to students who are graduates of RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) or the Interact Club.
Irving Las Colinas Rotary IISD Scholarship 2024 $1,250 This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior from any Irving ISD high school who exhibits academic, community and leadership success. Special consideration is given to students who are graduates of RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) or the Interact Club.
Irving Las Colinas Rotary Irving High School Scholarship $1,250 This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior from Irving High School who exhibits academic, community and leadership success. Special consideration is given to students who are graduates of RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) or the Interact Club.
Irving Las Colinas Rotary John Boyle Scholarship $1,250 This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who exhibits academic, community, and leadership success. Special consideration is given to students who are graduates of RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) or the Interact Club.
Irving Las Colinas Rotary Nimitz High School Scholarship $1,250 This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior from Nimitz High School who exhibits academic, community and leadership success. Special consideration is given to students who are graduates of RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) or the Interact Club.
Irving Las Colinas Rotary Singley Academy Scholarship $1,250 This Scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior from Singley Academy who exhibits academic, community and leadership success. Special consideration is given to students who are graduates of RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) or the Interact Club.
Irving Marathon Running Series - Fiesta De Mayo Half Marathon Scholarship $1,000 Recipients of this scholarship are selected based on community service and financial need. Those awarded will attend at least one of the Irving Marathon Running Series races in the upcoming year.
Irving Marathon Running Series - Frost Half Marathon Scholarship $1,000 Recipients of this scholarship are selected based on community service and financial need. Those awarded will attend at least one of the Irving Marathon Running Series races in the upcoming year.
Irving Marathon Running Series - Irving Marathon Scholarship $1,000 Recipients of this scholarship are selected based on community service and financial need. Those awarded will attend at least one of the Irving Marathon Running Series races in the upcoming year.
Irving Marathon Running Series - Love on the Run Half Marathon Scholarship $1,000 Recipients of this scholarship are selected based on community service and financial need. Those awarded will attend at least one of the Irving Marathon Running Series races in the upcoming year.
Irving Marathon Running Series - Oktoberfest Run Scholarship $1,000 Recipients of this scholarship are selected based on community service and financial need. Those awarded will attend at least one of the Irving Marathon Running Series races in the upcoming year.
Irving Marathon Running Series - Paws Colinas 5K-9 Scholarship $1,000 Recipients of this scholarship are selected based on community service and financial need. Those awarded will attend at least one of the Irving Marathon Running Series races in the upcoming year.
Irving Marathon Running Series - St. Patrick's Day 5K Scholarship $1,000 Recipients of this scholarship are selected based on community service and financial need. Those awarded will attend at least one of the Irving Marathon Running Series races in the upcoming year.
Irving Marathon Running Series - Turkey Trot Scholarship $1,000 Recipients of this scholarship are selected based on community service and financial need. Those awarded will attend at least one of the Irving Marathon Running Series races in the upcoming year.
Irving News Louise Whitmer Memorial Journalism Scholarship $1,000 Established in 1990 and given in memory of Louise Whitmer, a former editor of the newspaper, this scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who plans to major in Journalism at a college or university.
Irving Noonday Lions Community Service Club Scholarship $1,000 Established by the Irving Noonday Lions Club in 2003, this scholarship is awarded to two seniors who have demonstrated service to their community outside the school environment, and plan to continue after college. These recipients must have at least 50 hours of community service outside the school.
Irving Police Department David Paris Memorial Scholarship $1,000 The Irving Police Department David Paris Memorial Scholarship was established to recognize Irving Police Assistant Chief David G. Paris for his dedication and service to the Irving Police Department. This scholarship is awarded to a Singley Academy graduate enrolled in the Law Enforcement Specialty Program who plans to pursue a career in Criminal Justice.
Irving Police Department David Paris Memorial Scholarship $2,000 The Irving Police Department David Paris Memorial Scholarship was established to recognize Irving Police Assistant Chief David G. Paris for his dedication and service to the Irving Police Department. This scholarship is awarded to a Singley Academy graduate enrolled in the Law Enforcement Specialty Program who plans to pursue a career in Criminal Justice.
Irving Soccer Association Scholarship $1,000 Irving Soccer has always wanted to give back to the community and we fill this is a way to help provide scholarships for kids to play soccer
Irving Symphony League Scholarship for the Performing Arts $1,000 This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who has participated in a school or community-based arts organization or who has taken private lessons for a minimum of two years and plans to pursue a degree in the performing arts (music, dance, drama) at a college or university. The student must have a minimum grade point average of 85% and demonstrate good character.
Jack & Doris Spurlock Endowed Scholarship $1,000 Recipient can be from any Irving ISD high school, can be pursuing any college major or career path, but must meet specific GPA criteria.
Jack E. Singley Scholarship $1,500 (4) This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior, one from each high school, who has exhibited outstanding achievement in academics, extracurricular activities, and community service.
Jackie Mae Townsell's Elementary to Excellence Scholarship $1,000 This scholarship will be awarded to a scholar who attended Townsell Elementary for a minimum of one year. Jackie Mae Townsell was a lifelong public servant and Irving business owner who was well known for her tireless work on behalf of Irving citizens. This scholarship is awarded to a scholar who attended Townsell Elementary and exhibits a strong work ethic, desire for continued education and strives to make a positive impact on their community.
James Tews Memorial Leadership Scholarship $1,009 Established by Dennis and Diane Ortiz in memory of their son, James Tews, in 2017. The recipient of this scholarship must have attended MacArthur High School and been involved in Fine Arts.
Janice Louise Battles Memorial Scholarship $1,000 Created in 2024 in memory of Janice Louise Battles, a longtime educator in Irving iSD, this scholarship is awarded to a graduate of MacArthur High School or Nimitz High School. The recipient must be pursuing higher education in either English or Education.
Jerry Roe Memorial Scholarship $1,000 This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who has participated in a performing music organization for two years, demonstrates good character, and plans to pursue a 4-year college degree with a major in music. This student must possess an overall average of 90% or above in music and be active in school and community activities.
Jessica Renee Chermely Scholarship $1,250 This scholarship is awarded to a high school senior who plans to pursue a career as a teacher. The student must have community service hours.
Jo Carol Adamson Stallion Strong Scholarship $1,500 The Jo Carol Adamson Stallion Strong Scholarship has been established by the faculty and staff of Stipes Elementary School and is awarded to a graduating senior who attended Stipes Elementary School and maintained a GPA of 2.5 or greater.
Joe and Mella Ponce Scholarship $1,250 This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who has an overall GPA of 85% and plans to pursue a college or university degree.
Joe Ponce Memorial Football/Track Scholarship $1,000 This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who participated in Football and/or Track during his/her junior or senior year, plans to pursue additional education at a technical institute, college, or university, has financial need, and takes part in school and community activities.
John and Margie Stipes Scholarship $1,000 This scholarship is awarded to a graduating Nimitz High School senior who has participated in Athletics, Athletic Training, Cheerleading, or Drill Team his/her junior and senior years, has an overall average of 85% or above, and plans to pursue a degree in Education or Athletic Training at a college or university.
John F. and Polly Townley Endowed Scholarship $2,500 This scholarship is awarded to a senior who attended Townley Elementary school through fifth grade and plans to major in Elementary or Secondary Education leading to certification as a Texas Professional Educator. The recipient must maintain a respectable GPA, have participated in extracurricular activities and community service, have proven leadership skills, and have a recognized financial need.
John J. Brandenburg Scholarship $1,000 This scholarship is awarded to a graduating senior who attended Brandenburg Elementary School 1st-5th grades, has been active in community service, a minimum GPA of 2.5 and an attendance record of 95%.
John R. Good Alum Scholarship $1,000 This scholarship was established by John R. Good Elementary School alumni for an Irving High School senior who attended John R. Good Elementary for at least three school years. The recipient must hold a minimum GPA of 3.0, have participated in school activities, and earned at least 100 hours of community service. This student must demonstrate that he/she has overcome adverse economic, social, or academic hardship.
John Stipes Motivational Scholarship $5,000 (4) This scholarship is awarded to four graduating seniors who have overcome adverse social, economic, or personal situations to graduate from high school.