- Sponsorship Opportunities
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At the Irving Schools Foundation, we recognize the importance of community partnerships. Sponsorships are an opportunity for your organization to help support the students and teachers of Irving ISD, and promote your business in the process. This partnership is more than a donation, it is hope for the students of Irving ISD!
We offer a multitude of sponsorship opportunities to support every program that we offer.
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how to help
There are three ways you can support Food For Thought:
You can volunteer to help assemble food bags or donate shelf-stable food items.
Your organization can host a food drive, host an off-site “bag build”, volunteer as a group to assemble bags at an Irving ISD campus, or adopt a school for ongoing Food for Thought support.
Don’t have time to shop, or not in a position to volunteer? You can still help! Just make a quick online contribution in support of Food for Thought—we’ll use your gift to purchase nutritious food items for students at risk for hunger.
how to get help
If your family is experiencing food insecurity, please talk to your campus counselor to learn more about available resources within Irving ISD.