Explore Our Programs
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Food for Thought
Students who are hungry have trouble learning, and that’s the stark reality facing more than 75% of Irving ISD students who struggle with intermittent or ongoing food insecurity. To combat this problem, we created a weekend/school break food distribution effort to enhance the district’s nutrition program. Volunteers for “bag builds” and donations of shelf-stable food items or cash to support the program are needed year-round. Currently, our Food for Thought program distributes over 1,000 dinner bags every week.
Spark Tank
Are you an Irving ISD educator, counselor, librarian, coach, or an Irving ISD employee in search of funds for an enriching and out-of-the-ordinary learning experience for your students? Our Spark Tank program is an innovative grant program that funds learning opportunities for the students of Irving ISD! Every month (excluding July) the Spark Tank Committee meets to evaluate Spark Tank grant proposals – click the “learn more” button to apply!
Supplies for Success
Caring and Sharing
Student & Employee Scholarships
C2C Store
If you’re an Irving teacher, coach, or counselor with students lacking school supplies or uniforms, you need to know about our C2C (Community to Classroom) Store—the “store without a cash register” at the ISF Warehouse—where you can “shop” for students who need a helping hand. Open Mondays/Tuesdays/Thursdays from 4-5:30 p.m. by appointment (or call 214-493-8412). Volunteers welcome
Employee Enrichment Grants
ISF provides Employee Enrichment Grants each month for professional development. In the corporate world, budgets for professional development, conferences, and seminars are often plentiful, but a teacher or school district employee who wants to pursue professional development may find they must pay fees out of their own pocket. Meeting those costs can pose a significant hardship, which is why ISF created the EEG program.

Teacher of the Year